Lalanga Toolboxes
  • Attendance
  • Well-being
  • Achievement
  • Positive learning behaviour

Our mission & purpose

Education is the most powerful tool to change lives

Our mission is to champion and empower the education, leadership, and well-being success of Māori-Pasifika students so they can own, lead, and achieve their success now and in the future.

Lālanga was born out of a strong desire to help our young people get the full benefit of the most powerful tool to help them succeed, education. Raising and uplifting the next generation is a collective effort.

It takes a village. Our village. The students, teachers, school leaders and parents that make up our community.

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Here's Why Your Giving Matters

Thousands of kids in decile one schools lack access to the tools they need to succeed - good quality, essential, educational resources, mentoring and support? As a country we see this prevalent with our Maori and Pasifika students, falling behind on every measure of educational outcomes, whether it’s achievement, literacy, numeracy and school attendance.

1200 Kids are on our Lālanga ToolBox program

90% Of teachers report improvement in attendance, engagement and well-being

3500 students we want to impact in 2024

Tone Kolose (Principal)

"I think the ToolBox has been a contributor to why the kids are at school. When kids come up to you to tell you that they love Lālanga, that's the biggest feedback you can get."

Tone Kolose (Principal)
Tone Kolose (Principal)

Lanna Aliifaalogo (Kaiako)

"It's really good hands on resources, cutting down time for us as teachers. The kids absolutely love it!"

Lanna Aliifaalogo (Kaiako)
Lanna Aliifaalogo (Kaiako)

Ilatose Fuataga (Kaiako)

"It's been such a huge positive impact for our students. The kids look forward to the activities, wondering what they will do and receive next. It really reels in on the interest and engagement of the kids."

Ilatose Fuataga (Kaiako)
Ilatose Fuataga (Kaiako)
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Lesieli Oliver - Founder & Chief Visionary Officer (CVO) Lalanga

Lesieli Oliver

Founder & Chief Visionary Officer (CVO)

About Lālanga

A Journey of Empowerment and Change

Lesieli, the founder and Chief Visionary Officer of Lālanga, a New Zealand-based organisation dedicated to championing the success of young Māori-Pasifika students through the Lālanga ToolBox Education Programme, Mentoring Programs, and Technology.

Inspired by her own experiences and challenges as a Pacific learner in New Zealand, Lesieli launched Lālanga's first product, Lālanga mentoring in November 2020 to address the well-being needs of students impacted by COVID-19. Since then, Lālanga's programs have thrived, reaching over 4,500 students in 15 decile one schools in Auckland within three years.

Lesieli, a proud Tongan, draws motivation from her family's struggles after migrating to New Zealand when she was four. She recently completed her Masters Research, focusing on digital solutions to enhance success for Maori-Pasifika students, driven by her determination to address truancy, well-being, and academic challenges, and was named on the 2023 Auckland University 40 under 40 Alumni leaders to watch.

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